Creating can be a tricky thing, whatever you are working on takes trial and error. Sometimes when you get it right, it can lead you down a path you weren’t really expecting. Such is the case with Cody Stricklin and his BullyWax brand. He humored me by answering some questions about how he got started working in skate wax.
- I'll start with my usual opener and have you give us a little background info on who you are and what creative endeavors you are behind.
My Name is Cody Stricklin and I’m the Doc Brown of the Brand BullyWax.
- Your work obviously stems from a history in skateboarding, so why don't we start there. When did you start skating and at what point did you realize you were hooked?
I first started skateboarding around the age of 12-13 give or take a year. I’m not sure, man it feels like forever ago (haha). I think the realization that I was hooked on skating was when I put more studying into its history than any of my school work.

- How has skateboarding affected you and changed your life?
Skateboarding has changed my life in many ways, far too many to acknowledge all of them. Most notably though, I met the woman I’ll marry someday through skating and I’ve befriended some of the raddest people on this earth through skating.
- What led you to creating skate wax? How did you start BullyWax?
A good friend of mine sent me some wax he was making at the time, a few conversations of how he went about making it led me to trying to make some on my own, for fun. Before I knew it, I was making wax for all my friends, sending wax all over the states and the feedback was overwhelming, in a good way. I had zero intentions of starting a brand, even then. However motivation from my girlfriend and friends is what ultimately made me decide to put a face to the wax I was making.
Lesser known info is the brand naming, it is based off the passing of our late English Bulldog, Emmy. Some of our earlier Marketing is even a cartoon rendition of her face. In NO way is the name “Bully” an acknowledgment of poor behavior, it’s simply acknowledging the breed of our pup and the love we hold for dogs in general at the BullyWax homestead.

- How did you develop your formula? Was it trial and error? Did you have to sample a lot of wax before you narrowed yours down?
I’ve narrowed down two formulas I use depending on the season of where it’s going when shipped (or what the shop/customer asks for). I went through multiple trials and errors, MULTIPLE!
- How do you come up with the shapes and designs? What is your creative process?
At first I wanted to acknowledge the dog aspect of our name so I launched with the paw shape but ultimately there is no set direction on where I’ll go with wax shapes. I just like to work with what is fun and functional.
- Do you think being a skateboarder and artist has changed how you view the world? In what ways?
Really I don’t see myself as an artist and I’m pretty sure my true artist friends wouldn’t either. I think being a skateboarder however, just gave me a sense of guidance in a world I didn’t know existed. If I never would've picked up the board I would have been missing out.
- Does being creative help you interact or deal with the world?
I think being creative helps me interact in general. I tend to use it for anxiety as well as a tool to open myself up to the ideals of others that come across my path.
- Is it difficult being an independent company today? Do you find it hard to get your name and product out there?
It’s hard but not impossible. Today we have far too many platforms at our hands to help us rise to whatever level we want to, if that’s what you desire. Myself, I’m content with the flow. If people are stoked, I’m stoked. We don’t have to be big to be doing big things.

- Do you think skateboarding today is focused on independent companies?
Yes and no. Some independent companies are getting the acknowledgment they deserve and some unfortunately are not.
- What's some advice you would give to someone who wants to start their own project or company?
Do something you're passionate about, take criticism for both the good and bad and remember everyone loves donuts, always get or bring donuts.